

Lake Natron

Explore lunar landscapes far off the tracks

Lake Natron is a highly alkaline lake. Its water contains large quantities of salt, including bicarbonate of soda, and its pH is over 10. Its temperature can rise to 60°C. Only a few species can withstand this environment, in particular the Lesser Flamingo, which breeds on the shores of the lake. Their population can reach 2.5 million. They are more prevalent in the dry season, when the lake's water level drops. The region is very hot and arid.

  • Ngare Sero waterfalls
  • Hot water natural pools
  • Walking on the shores of the lake


Lake Natron isbetween 600 km² and 1,040 km²


Lake Natron is located in the very north of Tanzania, just on the border with Kenya.


Reaching Lake Natron is can be complicated. Don't be afraid of the track, the dust and the heat!


The region is not accessible during the rainy season.

    Main fauna:
  • Lesser Flamingo


Born in Dar Es Salaam but originally from the Nyakyusa tribe in south-west Tanzania, Madiba is a nature lover. It was for this very reason that he decided to become a professional guide, in order to share this passion with as many people as possible. He is always available and ready to listen.

Madiba, driver-guide

Ol Doinyo Lengai

Mount Lengai is a Tanzanian volcano located on the shores of Lake Natron. It is the only volcano still active in the country, having last erupted in 2007. It is the youngest volcano in this part of the Rift Valley.

Its lava, composed mainly of sodium carbonate and low in silica, is black when molten and white when cooled. The volcano looks white and snowy in the hot sun.

Ol Doinyo Lengaï is a Maasai name meaning: mountain of the gods. For the Maasai people, the volcano is a god in itself. They regularly make pilgrimages to the summit.

Our agency does not offer trekking up this volcano anymore for very important safety reasons.

We love:

  • Swimming in the watefalls
  • The incredible view on Mt Lengai
  • The lunar landscapes


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